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Poudre Heritage Alliance (PHA)

Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area (CALA)

Strategic Interpretive Plan



Please find, below, the final draft of the strategic interpretive plan logic model. This logic model was co-created at the PHA board meeting on March 10, 2021, then open to comments, suggestions, and revisions following.


The final draft was uploaded to this site on April 8, 2021.


Of course, please consider this a living document. The logic model should be revisited and amended by the PHA staff, board, and/or consultant team as the project continues.


The logic model final draft (image below) is available as a downloadable PDF and downloadable MS Word file.

























Please find, below, the draft of the strategic interpretive plan logic model we co-created at the PHA board meeting on March 10, 2021. 


The logic model is a way to capture the goals and desired outcomes of this project. It will also inform the upcoming stakeholder engagement portions of this project (Tasks 2 and 5).


A big thank you to everyone who participated in the logic model workshop. Every attempt has been made to include the input provided by board and staff members, while also combining similar ideas into themes so that the logic model remains on one page and capture the overall essence of key project goals.


(For a full list of all of the notes and individual contributions both during and after the logic model workshop, please see this document. You will see a summary of each person's contributions.)


If you feel your individual contributions are not represented in the logic model, please contact Kate Livingston, from the Studio Tectonic team, at You can also use this email address to submit ideas and suggestions (for example, any edits or additions you'd like to see to this logic model draft).






Review the logic model draft (image below; also available as a downloadable PDF and downloadable MS Word version).


Submit any ideas and suggestions to Kate via email no later than Monday, March 29, 2021:


Your feedback can be a simple list by email or, if you prefer, you are welcome to download the logic model draft (available as a downloadable PDF and downloadable MS Word version) and use the "comments" feature or "track changes" to create a new version to email to Kate with your edits. 




Upon reviewing the logic model, are there people in your network who you feel would be important to include in interviews or focus groups at this stage in the project?


At this time, Task 2, we are especially interested in connecting with those who have been a part of successful river/water collaborations, are connected with the history of the river/NHA, and/or can help us think about overarching messages and themes for the strategic interpretive plan. Think about big picture, strategic thinkers who can provide a holistic perspective. 


Later, in Task 5 of this project, we will want to connect with individuals who excel in getting things done and executing on plans. These people will be responding to initial concepts and drafts of the strategic interpretive plan. If these people come to mind now, please also include them in the Google Sheet linked below.


Please use this Google Sheet to let us know who it might be useful to talk to, especially at this time in our interpretive planning. Please submit names and contact information no later than Monday, March 29, 2021.

PHA Logic Model Final Draft 04052021 Pho
PHA Logic Model Draft Photo.jpg

The final draft of the logic model will be posted on this website by mid-April 2021. Of course, please consider this a living document! It should be revisited and amended as the project continues and as we learn more through the up-coming stakeholder engagement.  


If you are interested in reviewing the slides from the Logic Model workshop, they are available as a PDF here.


Don't hesitate to reach out with any other thoughts or ideas along the way.

Your input is always welcome. 


Thank you again!

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